Read our informative blog and keep up to date with the latest happenings in the world of Mini PC and computers
DevOps Outsourcing
While some businesses boast having DevOps engineers on their teams, not everyone can implement DevOps practices and principles the right way. That’s why many IT companies stick to DevOps as a...
DevOps Managed Services
Thinvent provides DevOps-as-a-Service so that businesses can meet the always-on demand of their customers. With continuous integration and delivery, we help ensure your business can effectively...
Client Cloud
A client cloud is an application or a program that runs on the user’s device. It depends on the cloud services for functionality. A user device could be a thin client, desktop PC, laptop, mobile...
Precautions taken by Thinvent against COVID-19
Thinvent is a Gurugram based manufacturing firm. We have a team of Engineers for design, development, manufacturing of our products. We also have a big sales team, support team, and compliance team....
Terminal Server
A terminal server allows users to share data and documents by running the applications on the server instead of the user’s PC, thus enabling the users to be based anywhere in the world and use any...
Windows Thinclients
Although the paradigm is shifting more towards the Linux-based thin clients, there are customers who still have the requirements which are according to the Windows Operating System. Keeping this in...
Micro Thinclients
Although the customers have software related requirements, some customers do have their concerns related to the size and cost of the thin client. Here Thinvent's Micro series thin clients comes into...
Thinclient Operating System
An operating system is basically the software or a program that manages the flow control between the hardware and software of the computer. It is also responsible for the memory assigned to a...
RDP Software
Remote desktop protocol (RDP) is a secure network communications protocol designed for remote management, as well as for remote access to virtual desktops, applications and an RDP terminal server....